Puy Arnaud

Thierry Valette

Thierry Valette settled in Clos Puy Arnaud in April 2000, after the sale of the family vineyard in 1998. His family’s involvement in the wine industry goes back four generations and they previously owned Château Pavie in Saint-Émilion.

Clos Puy Arnaud - Castillon Caracteres
985 route des vignes
33350 Belvès-de-Castillon


Clos Puy Arnaud is located at an altitude of 90 to 100 meters on an extraordinary plateau terroir. It lies on limestone with starfish fossils mixed with a few limestone veins from Castillon.
A magnificent lone elm tree has been flourishing at Puy Arnaud for more than 150 years. Its majestic presence makes this tree the “master” of the premises, hence its presence on our labels. Now that Elm’s robustness seems significantly weakened in Europe, its vitality and nobility appear as the expression of this place’s energy. The domain has been entirely organic since 2001, and biodynamic since 2004. Indeed, it was one of the first domains in right bank Bordeaux to use biodynamics.

In Guides Féret wine guides dating from 1850, 1874 and 1898, the Castillon region was part of the Saint-Emilionnais, and in 1874 Puy Arnaud was referred to as Premier Cru. In 1898, it earned a specific footnote, as follows: “The Crus de Puy Arnaud, on the rocks of Puy Carpin, planted with fine grape varieties and cultivated with the utmost care, produces one of the most sought-after wines in the region”. On the label, the mention “near Saint-Émilion” is allowed.

“The Cru de Puy Arnaud produces one of the country’s most sought-after wines”

Guide Féret 1898


Biodynamic culture means above all taking care of the soil. We haven’t used any pesticide, insecticide or synthetic herbicide for the past 20 years. The vineyard’s protection is ensured by very low doses of “bouillie Bordelaise” (copper sulfate), flowers and flowable sulfur as well as herbal teas and flower extracts. The domain is managed with “farmer’s wisdom”, which respects the basic rules of agronomy (green manures, organic fertilizer, pruning on sap flows, balanced approach of the plant during growing season, moderate work on dry soil). Working the plots and the wine in the most natural way possible and reconnecting with ancient methods and the forces of nature.

Clos Puy Arnaud - Castillon Caracteres